Nxor and xnor logic gates pdf

Nor gate has two or more input and only one output. The xnor gate often written exclusivenor, sometimes. Logic gates and, or, not, nor, nand, xor, xnor gates. Exnor, enor, nxor, xand is a digital logic gate whose function is the logical complement of the exclusive or xor gate. Pdf a new 5transistor xorxnor circuit based on the pass. A xnor gate is a gate that gives a true 1 or high output when all of its inputs are true or when all of its inputs are false 0 or low. That means that if both of its inputs are the same, the output will be 0 false. If both inputs are false 0low or both are true, a false output results. Dtaasheet, extending the concept of the binary logical operation to three inputs, the sn74s with two shared c and four independent a and b inputs for its four outputs, was a.

One way to think of the basic logic gate types all but the xor and xnor gates is to consider what single input state guarantees a certain output state. Logic gates digital circuit that either allows a signal to pass through it or not. Connect the inputs to two switches connect the not gate input to one switch b. Xor gate sometimes eor, or exor and pronounced as exclusive or is a digital logic gate that gives a true 1 or high output when the number of true inputs is odd. Two electrical modulating signals applied to the microring resonators represent the two operands of the logical operation. If we observe carefully, out equals b when a is 0 and equals b when a is 1. An xnor gate is also called exclusive nor gate or exnor gate. Comparative performance analysis of xor xnor function. When drawing circuits containing logic gates it is common to use logic symbols.

Exclusiveor and exclusivenor logic gates in vhdl xor gate. Exclusive nor or xnor gate is also like a xor gate, the only difference is we put a not logic in the output of a xor gate and xor gate becomes a xnor gate. The nor gate is another example of universal gate that can be used for multiple logic operations. Nand not and, nor not or, xor, and xnor not xor later. This is called boolean logic in a circuit schematic each logic gate is represented by a different picture, like the ones shown below. Implementation of xorxnor and and logic gates by using. The truth table of an xnor gate is obtained from the truth table of an xor gate. Demonstration of directed xorxnor logic gates using two cascaded microring resonators lei zhang,1 ruiqiang ji,1 lianxi jia,1 lin yang,1, ping zhou,1 yonghui tian,1 ping chen,1 yangyang lu,1. Not, and, or, and xor there are also other ones, such as nand, nor, and xnor that were not going to cover.

The output is low if either of the input is low fig. Or of all five xor gate outputs, while f is the nor. Logic gates not, or, and, nor, nand, xor, xnor gate, pdf. Simulation and demonstration of directed xor xnor logic gates using two cascaded microring resonators article pdf available in ieee photonics journal 82. Figure shows its circuit symbol along with its truth table. Xnor gate operates on the inputs in such a way that the network. Pdf simulation and demonstration of directed xorxnor. The output of xnor gate is high if both the inputs are high or if both the inputs are low. Demonstration of directed xorxnor logic gates using two. The vhdl xnor keyword is used to create an xnor gate.

In a two input xnor gate, the output is high logic 1 or true when two inputs are same. There are two remaining gates of the primary electronics logic gates. Because, in binary logic there are only two states, 1 and 0 or on and off, not in the world of binary logic therefore. The xnor gate sometimes xornt, enor, exnor or nxor and pronounced as exclusive nor is a digital logic gate whose function is the logical complement of the exclusive or gate. The thesis comparison of cmos xor and xnor gate design by makara tang has been examined and approved by the following examination committee.

Not, or, and and gates are the basic types of gates. A high output xog results if both of the inputs to the gate are the same. Identify what type of gate is represented by each of the following phrases. Reconfigurable alloptical logic and, nand, or, nor, xor. Optical polarization based logic functions xor or xnor with. The xor gate does what is called an exclusive disjunction in logic symbols. Most logic gates have two inputs and one output and are based on boolean algebra. What is logic gate and, or, xor, not, nand, nor and xnor. Other important gates formed by the combination of basic logic gates are xor exclusive or and xnor exclusive nor gates. Figure 1 below shows the truth table of a 2input xnor gate. An xor gate sometimes referred to by its extended name, exclusive or gate is a digital logic gate with two or more inputs and one output that performs exclusive disjunction. Design of hybrid memristormos xor and xnor logic gates. Xnor gate also referred to as exclusive nor gate is a digital logic gate formed by combining three basic gates that is and, or and not gates in a particular configuration. Next is the circuit representation of the xor gate.

Exclusivenor gate tutorial with exnor gate truth table. Basic logic gates there are seven different logic gates. Transmission gate logic circuit is based on special kind of passtransistor logic circuit 4,6. An xnor gate sometimes referred to by its extended name, exclusive nor gate is a digital logic gate with two or more inputs and one output that performs logical equality. Before studying xor and xnor gates, lets see how we can use breadboarded logic circuits to demonstrate three rules of boolean algebra. We present a scheme of xorxnor logic gate, based on non phase matched noncollinear second harmonic generation from a medium of suitable.

Pass transistor logic ptl using 6 transistors is reported as. In an xor gate, the output is high if one, and only one, of the inputs is high. Xor gate simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If both of an xor gates inputs are false, or if both of its inputs are true, then the output of the xor gate is false. A logic gate is a building block of a digital circuit. Logic gate actually the term logic is applied to digital circuits used to implement logic functions. Other uses include subtractors, comparators, and controlled inverters. For example, we could describe the function of an or gate as such. The xor gate sometimes eor gate, or exor gate is a digital logic gate that implements an exclusive or. We have designed and fabricated a directed logic architecture consisting of two silicon microring resonators that can perform xor and xnor operations.

Pdf or, xnor, and nand optical logic gates in mach. The xnor gate is a digital logic gate whose function is the logical complement of the exclusive or xor gate. Basic logic gates types, functions, truth table, boolean. A logic gate is a circuit with one or more input voltages but only one output voltages. Basically the exclusive nor gate is a combination of the exclusiveor gate and the not gate but has a truth table similar to the standard nor gate in that it has an output that is normally at logic level 1 and goes low to logic level 0 when any of its inputs are at logic level 1 however, an output 1 is only obtained if both of its inputs are at the same. Pdf new threeinput xor and xnor gates based on mobile. Used to build logic functions there are seven basic logic gates. Both include four independent, twoinput, xnor gates. Full adder circuit based on transmissiongates is shown in. It may be noted that if both the inputs of the xor gate are high, then the output is low i. Different combinations of logic gates enable us to perform more complex operations within the circuit. The xor gate exclusive or is a logic gate that outputs 1 true when exactly one of its inputs is 1 true. Watch this video to learn more and see the interesting practical. The output of an xor gate is true only when exactly one of its inputs is true.

Several kinds of digital logic circuits are the basic elements that form the building blocks for such complex digital system as the. Complementary pass transistor logic cpl is used in 1. In this video i will discuss how to design an xnor gate signal. Design of ultra compact alloptical xor, xnor, nand and or. Exclusivenor commonly written as xnor is the not of xor gate. Recognise common 74 series ics containing standard logic gates. The 7 basic logic gates are thus and, or, not, xor, nand, nor, and xnor, each of which.

At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the two binary conditions false high or true low. This video takes the viewers, step by step to four different derived gates, i. The vhdl xor keyword is used to create an xor gate. The xor and xnor logic gates can be implemented using the combination of two mzi structures in which the signal can be shifted to the desired port depending upon the electrode voltage applied at the second electrode of each mzi. Cmos circuits for either function can be can built from just 6 transistors, but those circuits have some undesirable features. The microring resonators are modulated through thermooptic effect. An xnor gate is a type of digital logic gate that receives two inputs and produces one output. If some of its inputs are true and others are false, then the output of the xnor gate is false. The xor logic gate can be used as a onebit adder that adds any two bits together to output one bit. Both inputs are treated with the same logic, responding equally to similar inputs.

Abstract in this paper we propose new threeinput xor and threeinput xnor gate based on generalized threshold gate gtg topology. The behavior of logic gate with xor, xnor, nand and or functions for simulation is in accordance with table 3. Xor and xnor are formed by connecting and, not and or in particular configuration. We present a scheme of xorxnor logic gate, based on non phasematched noncollinear second harmonic generation from a medium of suitable. Or, xnor, and nand optical logic gates in machzehnder waveguiding structure consisting of nonlinear material had been analyzed by means of finite difference beam propagation method fdbpm. Then the output of a digital logic exclusivenor gate only goes high when its two input terminals, a and b are at the same logic level which can be either at. For the following logic gates, verify the logic operation each gate performs. The interconnection of gates to perform a variety of logical operation is called logic. Nor gate is used in combination to perform the and, or and inverter operations.

Therefore, this proposed alloptical logic gate can function as xor, xnor, nand and or gates for different input bpsk. A new design of xorxnor gates for low power application core. A high output 1 results if both of the inputs to the. Neural representation of and, or, not, xor and xnor logic. A logic gate is therefore similar to a function in that it takes an inputs and returns an output. The and gate is so named because, if 0 is called false and 1 is called true. More typically, xor and xnor logic gates are built from three nand gates and two inverters, and so take 16 transistors. Two hybrid memristormos exclusive or xor and exclusive nor xnor logic gates based on memristor. Reconfigurable alloptical logic and, nand, or, nor, xor and xnor gates implemented by photonic crystal nonlinear cavities young jin jung, sunkyu yu, sukmo koo, hyungsuk yu, sanghun han, namkyoo park, jae hun kim, young min jhon, and seok lee. Nor gate is the combination of not gate at the output of or gate, hence nor gate is type of notor gate. Aoioai structured logic xor xnor using structured logic. That means xnor gate gives you inverted output of xor gate.

B the nxor gate general scheme note that the same gate can be named xnor. Introduction to xnor gate projectiot123 technology. Osa demonstration of directed xorxnor logic gates using. If both inputs are false 0 or both are true 1, a false output 0 results. Xor, which stands for exclusive or, and xnor, which stands for exclusive nor. Logic gates types, working principle, application, advantage. The twoinput version implements logical equality, behaving according to the truth table to the right, and hence the gate is sometimes called an equivalence gate. In the exclusive or or xor gate section we have seen how xor gate works and how simple it is. The interconnection of gates to perform a variety of logical operation is called logic design.

Pdf abstract xorxnor circuits are the basic building block of many arithmetic and. The field distributions of logic gate at the wholec band with xor, xnor, nand and or functions are shown in fig. The sy10100e107 offer five 2input xorxnor gates and are. Xnor gate is a two input single output digital logic gate although it can also be configured for multi inputs. The logical function is evaluated through the directed. And, or, not, nand not and, nor not or, xor, and xnor not xor later building functions. If both inputs are low or both are low, the output is low.

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