Agujero macular traumatico pdf

Descargue como pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. Tratamiento del agujero macular american academy of. Agujero macular idiopatico 1 diagnostico clinico y estadios evolutivos oct spectral domain. We report the case of a 12yearold girl with a full thickness traumatic macular hole tmh, which closed up spontaneously. Diagnostico y tratamiento del agujero macular idiopatico 7 tabla 1. Jan 14, 2012 macular hole can be a result of severe damage from ocular concussion or damage to the retina.

Edema del polo posterior y agujero macular traumatico del paciente n 2. Variations of the inverted ilm flap technique have also been used. A traumatic macular hole is a full thickness defect of the neuroretina secondary to ocular trauma. Tmh is a wellknown complication of the eye trauma, especially of the closed or. Agujero macular traumatico ojo humano percepcion visual. Two years later, another group described a series of 14 cases where a 93% closure rate was observed after surgery and vision improved at least four snellen lines in every closed hole7. Macular hole caused by blunt trauma in a 22yearold patient prior to surgery employing the inverted ilm flap technique. We present case reports of two young patients suffering from full thickness traumatic macular holes resulting in visual impairment of more than 60%. We are an innovative company in information and communication technologies.

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